Friday, November 7, 2008

Awards to Share and Walk A Thon News!

I was blessed by two of my blogging buddies with these blog awards, and I've been so crazy busy that I haven't had time to grab them or pass them on. Thank you both so much the are my first awards.

The Smile Award is from my friend Naomi over at Among the Gum Trees. Thanks sweety you make me smile too. You have to name 6 things that make you smile. And pass it on to 6 friends. For this one I'll pass it on to Paula Sweet Pea, Rochelle, Tammy, Laura, Lelia, and Heather. If you come and play let me know. So here are the 6 things that make me smile:

1. Ease dropping on the conversations my daughter and husband have in the morning. They are always so sweet.
2. Hearing my daughter laugh.
3. Finishing a scrapbook page, and I like it.
4. My dog and the funny way she follows me everywhere even when she's completely comfortable.
5. My daughter and her friends singing in the back seat to the Jonas Brothers.
6. Getting a Hot fudge sundae with jamoca almond fudge ice cream yummy.

This award came from my friend Connie, and so now I'm going to tag 6 more people, with this award. (And as a small disclaimer, I find all my friends make me smile and are Kreativ, but I had to pick and it was hard.) So the tag is to name 10 things that make you happy. So the taggies are: Lilly, Liz, Tasra, Lee, Victoria, Pamela

Okay now 10 things that make me happy:

1. The spontaneous I love yous from my daughter and my husband.

2. Seeing my husband study the Bible. (a prayer answered)

3. The Women's retreat I go on every year with my sister.
4. Being at the beach with my family.

5. My quiet time in the morning spent with God.

6. Listening and singing my favorite worship songs.

7. Date Nights with my husband.

8. Girls night with my daughter.

9. Spending the evening hanging out with friends and family.

10. Watching my daughter run to Family Night at Church because she has so much fun there.

Okay so there it is. There was another tag that Naomi gave me, which involved reading. But I'm going to save that for another day.


Have Won the Prestigious Golden Shoe

Yes the 4th grade class raised the most money per student and will be amply rewarded with Pizza, Ice Cream, and will keep the coveted Golden Shoe (a bronzed Reebok) in their class for the rest of the year. Fourth Graders you Rock.

Seriously this was a huge deal. Brinn on the way to school yesterday had this conversation with Brett:

Brinn: Daddy they are going to announce the winner of the Golden Shoe today during Chapel. I hope we win, our class has never won.

Daddy: Well I know, but you all did good, and if you don't win you have to be happy for those who do. The walk-a-thon was for fun, and to raise money for all the classes, and to glorify God, by doing your best.

Brinn: I know, but really Daddy if we don't when we either really suck, or were cursed.

Daddy: Well I don't think your either, if you don't win this year, you could win next year. But really Boo, God loves you and your not cursed.

Cursed wow that was a strong word. I think she's been listening to the Deuteronomy sermons with her dad again. lol.

So Thursday at about 11:30 I got a call on my cell phone from a very excited little Girl. Mommy Mommy it's Brinn we won the Golden Shoe, and the whole class screams. So sweet. The best part was they were all excited, but her teacher shared with us today at Teacher Parent conference, that the whole class showed great sportsman ship. They just went out on the playground and it was like nothing had happened, no bragging just good sportsman ship. He said he just sat out their and watched them play he was really proud of them.

So that's about it for now. Not sure what the weekend holds for us, but I'm hoping to get my Bible study done before Tuesday. That would be very cool.




Paula V said...

Thank you, Carol, for honoring me with this award. It warms my heart. You are a sweetie.

That is so precious about Brinn's class winning and how awesome that they played together as usual with no bragging, etc.

You done well with your girl!
Love you,

Ro said...

Thanks, Carol. You make me smile, too! :-)

Tammy said...

Thank you for the made me smile!

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

And I thank you also! It made me feel warm on this cold fall day!!

In His Graces~Pamela

Lily said...

thanks for the award. loved reading your answers

Connie said...

I love the laugh of a child precious. Love your 10 things list. I'm trying to get my study done and typed this week early too. Have a good week! Connie

Liz said...

Thanks for the award and I look forward to doing it!
The post is so heart warming about Brinn's class's win. I love the conversation between she and Daddy. Thank you for sharing your life and your heart.
And wouldn't it be lovely to have my Bible study post ready on time too! I have one more day of bereavement is on my list for tomorrow. I look forward to quiet time with the Lord.
Smiles and hugs to you!

Heidi Zawisza said...

Yeah for your fourth graders!!!! Yippeee!
Oh, and Happy Birthday late!!!

Laura said...

What a nice surprise! Thank you, sweet friend for thinking of me! I definitely need more time for this! I'll get on it right away!
I'm proud of your Brinn too. Golden shoe award? Sounds pretty good to me!