Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of Fourth Grade

I know I know, I'm a mean mommy. I always take pictures of Brinn in the morning when she first wakes up on the first day of school, and on her birthday. Truthfully this is pretty much how she is every morning when we get her out of bed. She comes to the table, wrapped in a blanket and falls back to sleep. Brett makes her breakfast, and she slllooowwwlllyyy wakes up. She is NOT a morning person. And now here she is all ready for school. She's got her newly decorated book bag, and her non-character not pink lunch box, and a brand new haircut. Of course about 10 minutes before we left for school she decided to wear shorts, and had to change. Such a girl.
All in all she had a great first day. She has her first male teacher, but he's great we've known him since she hit kindergarten, and strong man of faith and who longs to share Jesus with the kids. They hit the ground running with homework on the first day. Friday is back to school night so we'll get all the gory details for the up coming school year.

1 comment:

Lily said...

Tell her she has a twin in my house. My daughter Madison is exactly the same way...definitely not a morning person. She looks so spiffy all ready for school. Glad to hear she had a nice day